Friday, May 18, 2012

Yes and Amen

God's promises are Yes and Amen. I know this is a verse found somewhere in the Bible. I am not here to let you know how smart I am and how much I know the Bible. I am here to share Jesus with you and how smart God is. Yes and Amen is something that was stirring in my spirit this morning. I was walking with my kiddos and the wind was blowing and the sun was shining. A perfect environment of relaxtion and rest. I know we can rest in HIM anywhere at anytime but a calm environment really does help. So, I just started declaring and prophecying a lot of things over my life. I want to use my personal life as an example to you. I encourage you to dig deep or think about what you have going on in your life. What do you need a Breakthrough in? Fill in the blanks with what you have going on in your life. So, here we go... Yes Lord my body is healed. Yes Lord I can jog and not be in pain. Yes Lord I don't want to be in pain every single day. Yes Lord Jesus died on the cross for me. Yes Lord the repairs to our house will be finished. Yes Lord Tim is a mighty warrior for you leading our home. Yes Lord Tim has wisdom and discernment to make decisions for our home and family. Yes Lord our house will sell fast. Yes Lord my relation with You is real. Yes Lord my relation with you is true, Yes Lord your love is unconditional, Yes Lord your love is for me, Yes Lord my relationship with my husband is unified, harminous, fun, exciting, and God centered. Yes Lord my relationships with others is healthy, Yes Lord my ministry is to empower my children to be all you created them to be, Yes Lord I have 2 amazing healthy children,Yes Lord I am to empower my husband to be all you created him to be. Yes Lord my home is my ministry, Yes Lord you have honored me to lead Beautiful Warriors, Yes Lord I am a business owner, Yes Lord my business is growing and changing lives, Yes Lord we will move to our dream land in the country, Yes Lord you go this homeschooling stuff. Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord Amen.... that no weapon formed against me can or shall prosper, Amen that I am healed by His stripes, Amen that your truth shall set me free!!!!! Amen that your word brings healing and helps the pain. You could go on and on and on but start with what you are praying for, believing for and just thank God that is is done. When Jesus died on the cross It is Finished!!!! Here we are about 6 weeks later since I have blogged but all good in the gracehood. Greater is He that is in Me than is in the world. I hope this finds you encouraged and empowered to go out and do whatever it is God is calling you do. YOu find out your purpose and the plan God has just for you, Jer. 29:11 by finding Him. Soaking up His love for you, it is endless in supply but high in demand. Prayer Praise, I went to Julia Tutweiler prison last Sun night, Mothers Day and ministered to those ladies. I will be going every month, 2nd Sun of the month 6:30-8:30pm. It was a deep deep desire of my heart that came true. Keep believing, keep dreaming, keep seeking, keep resting in HIM and soaking in the Glory of the Lord. Blessings and Love Joannie

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Letting Go

Wow Friends,

It is funny how life happens and some things are forgotten about. It seems other things start taking control of our lives. Really those other things are things we would like to forget about. My blogging is what I am talking about right now. I totally forgot I was blogging. I was on facebook and it just hit me that hey, it has been weeks since I have shared.

So, here we are. Sit down with me with for a few minutes and exhale. Take a deep breathe. Breathe in thru your nose and out your mouth. (it always helps me) I have missed sharing my blogs with all of you. I started journaling when I was 12 years old. My Mom passed away and it was such a tragic time is my life. Journaling was a way to express what was swirling on the inside. So, I look at blogging the same way. Here I am as an adult over 20yrs ago, still getting relief and healing from sharing what is going on in my heart. <3

The title is Letting Go. I am going to tell you I don't have it all together and probably won't ever! PG and that is why we need Jesus, a King of all Kings!!!!! I have been in this season of Letting Go...I don't fully understand and prob never will either.

I do know that the more I let go the lighter I feel. Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world lays on my shoulders and that gets to be a heavy burden to bear. I love God's word and the part that says His yoke is easy and light. The thing is we don't even realize that we are holding on too tightly. That could be with things or people. I have learned that the times I hold on too tightly are the times that the pain is the greatest. I think about when I work out in the gym. I remember when I worked in the fitness industry as a personal trainer. We were taught when you lift weights to not hold on too tightly. This goes for the weight training machines and the free weights. Of course you want to have a good firm hold so you don't drop it or get hurt. I think about our firm strong foundation in Christ. We gotta know that HE has a strong hold on our lives.

See, this is all coming to me as a type and share and I am loving it. Working out is one of my most favorite things to do and I take it serious. It relieves much stress and keeps my body toned and healthy. So, to use that in letting go just blows my mind. I am gleaning more revelation as I share with all of you. Thanks for your faithfulness to read my blogs. Please next time one of you or all of you remind a sista that I haven't blogged in weeks and you are missing them. :)

Sweet sweet blessings,

Taste and see the Lord is good...

PS and Warning: You will see typo errors and it drives me crazy too but Im letting go...

Friday, February 24, 2012


Hello my sweet friend,

Wow, it has been sometime since I have blogged. God is truly blessing my life, personal,business, and ministry. So, I have been a busy girl but not too busy to share some great information with you.

Love to you and as always, thanks for reading my blog.


Precious Father, thank you for the gift of intimacy. Thank you for dying to make it possible for me to have intimacy with you. Please and thank you for being the most important relationship in my life. Help me to love you, desire you, and need you more than anyone or anything else. I pray for all of my relationships in my life to be Holy and full of love. Help me to be sure enough in you that I can be authentic with everyone in my life. Help me to continue to share my deepest hurts and fears with you Lord and those closest to me. Thank you for no judgement but love. Help me to show the same kindness to those around me. Give me oh God, Eden-level intimacy. I pray this in the sweet sweet name of Jesus.

If you are married then add marriage to the prayer as well.

One area of my life that I lack is intimacy. It seems the one thing I want and so desire is the one area I sabatoge. Not intentional but out of ignorance. So, now that I have some fresh revelation I had to share with all of you.

Please let me know any truth you have gained about intimacy. I know there is so much more to learn.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fierce Beauty

I just wrote my first book review. I hope you will check out this book. For those who know me, you know I have read many many books in my life. I have a handful of favorites and I will have to say that I fell in love with Kim Meeder's writing style. Fierce Beauty ranks high on my favorite list.

As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs. I would have no reason to blog if you didn't take the time to read them.

This was my first book by Kim Meeder. I loved that she was very descriptive in her writing style. She really draws you in her world. It was refreshing to here her transperancy and realness in her own life. It was an added bonus to hear real life stories from others. I think we can really relate to others more than we realize. I was reading some stories and very thankful of my life because I didn't endure the pain they did. Then I was reading other stories and feeling like I was shafted in life. Because I didn't get to experience what they did. I can say that many emotions were stirred up while I read her book. It was an excellent book, actually one of my favorites and I am an avid reader. I love to gain knowledge, wisdom, and revelation from readers. I am excited to read her other book, Hope Rising. I have been sharing quotes on facebook and revelation I have gleaned with my friends.

The way she shared her own weaknesses brought comfort and ease. You feel like you know Kim. She does a fabulous job drawing you into the book. I enjoyed the Bible verses through out the book and the poems. I really enjoyed her sharing her own visions and dreams in the book too.

I have many underlined words and stars marked in my book. I am so thankful I chose this book. I was really intrigued by the cover as well. I look forward to sharing my book with others and then hearing what revelation they gleaned from the book. The greatest battle women fight is within. Kim truly gives you a healthy perspective on the real meaning of beauty.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

One of my favorite things I loved about her book was she gets the Warrior thing. Beautiful Warriors is my cause and calling in life. The cover has a sword on the front. Which told me, I had to read this book.

I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes with all of you.

"But when we put our peace, hope, love, and salvation in Jesus Christ alone, its like putting them into a backpack and slinging them into Heaven. They're eternally safe. Nothing in the world can touch them. There is no feeling, no event, no disease, no confrontation, no collapse or catastrophe this life can deal out that can steal what Jesus Christ gave His life to secure for us."

Blessings and Love

Monday, January 23, 2012


Hello my favorite Blog Readers,

Recovery would describe the season I am in. Those who know me oh so very well know that a word definition is next. :)

Recovery- recuperation
-return to a normal state of health, mind or strength
-the action or process of regaining possesions or control of something, stolen or lost
-return to better state or condition
-obtaining of legal right to something
-learning a New way of Life

So lets discuss this in a spiritual sense. I have this burning desire in me to make the enemy aka satan regret ever messing with my life. I also speak OutLoud a lot that I will make the enemy regret messing with my famalies life. So, how do I accomplish this? Do, I go out and raise hell and carry this chip on my shoulder, I dare you to say something to me kinda attitude! Am I out trying to start trouble,fights and quarreling? Nope nOpe and noPe!!!! I turn to God and I turn to His Righteousness. What is righteousnes? Being morally upright; without guilt or sin. Jesus died for my sin and for your sin. Because of HIs blood that was shed, I can live in righteousness and so can you!

Check out these awesome verses:
Matt.5:6 Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed because they will be satisfied.
Matt.6:33 Seek first Hi Kingdom and Righteousness then all the other things will be added...
James 3:18 The seeds of the fruit of righteousness are planted in peace by those who are making peace.
Romans 3:28 We believe that a man is called righteous due to his faith, so he doesn't have to follow the law.
Romans 10:10 It is the belief in your heart that makes you righteous...

Ok, so none of this means being perfect! There is one perfect lamb and he has been slain for you and for me!!!!

The finished work on the cross has made us righteous and the confessing with our mouth that Jesus is the Son of God.

Righteousness is simply a life that is pleasing to God.
So, this is where your relationship with God comes into place. It takes getting to know your Maker adn Creator to know what He likes and doesn't like. It takes spending time to hear His voice. God is crazy for You. He loves you with an everlasting Love. His love is what sets you Free.
One of my favorite verses is John.8:32 The truth will set you Free.
I have recieved revelation the truth is His Love. Jesus is Love and knowing how high and how wide He Loves Us!!!!

I can't get the Kim Walker song out of my head, He is jealous for like a hurricane...

Recovery is going to look different for me as it will for you. I have realized that it might take a day,a week, a month and even years!
Hi, my name is Joannie and I am a recovery adrenaline junkie.
That subject is a whole nother

Oh, Happy Day Friends

Love and Blessings and thanks for reading my blog.


Persistence- never giving up, never ceasing, relentless
-keep showing up, put one foot in front of the other
-crazy act of love and support
-one more day of your energy, confidence, ability, interest
-Never lose sight of the VICTORIES and the landmark experiences God grants you

synonyms- steadfastness, constancy, doggedness, endurance, resolution

Energy and persistence conquer all things. ~Benjamin Franklin

Perserverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich

Hold on with a bulldog grip. ~Abraham Lincoln

Prov.28:20 ...commitment and persistent work pay off...

The pressure to quit often happens just before a major Breakthrough!!! ~The Cause Within, MB

Galatians 6:9 the message So lets not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit.

Keep on keeping on Friends...
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway...

Love and Blessings,

Thanks for reading my blog.

Monday, January 16, 2012



Lord my words are few
but my expectations are great
Lord thank you for reminding me
It is all about You
Please quiet my soul
Lord will You silence my thoughts
Lord I want more of You
Lord I praise You, praise You
You are my truth
You are my voice
Lord I want so much more of You
Have you perfect way in my life
Lord speak to me
Because I stand speechless in your presence
You called out my name
And I will never be the same
You loved me when I didn't love myself
You searched for me
and You found me
Lord I stand speechless in your presence
Lord I love You
Lord I love You

by: Joannie G
Isaiah 52:15